Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America
Volume XII, Number 1, Spring 1992
Don Quijote Through the Looking-Glass
Peter N. Dunn
Theoretical Implications in Don Quijote's Idea of Enchantment
Bryant L. Creel
Some Forgotten Don Quijote(s)
Barbara P. Esquival-Heinemann
Cervantes' Prose Epic
Mary Anne O'Neil
Readers, Authors, and Characters in Don Quijote
Kristen G. Brookes
Cervantes on Human Absurdity: The Unifying Theme of La casa de los celos y selvas de Ardenia
Paul Lewis-Smith
A Possible Source for Picasso's Drawing of Don Quixote
A. G. Lo Ré
Cervantes, instrumento de propaganda política en la coyuntura 1640-1650
Joan Estruch Tobella
Jean Canavaggio. Cervantes. Translated by J. R. Jones
Daniel Eisenberg
Carroll B. Johnson. Don Quixote: The Quest for Modern Fiction
Jay Farness
A. G. Lo Ré. Essays on the Periphery of the «Quijote»
Ángel Sánchez
José Antonio Maravall. Utopia and Counterutopia in the «Quixote». Translated by Robert W. Felkel
Julio Baena
George Mariscal. Contradictory Subjects: Quevedo, Cervantes, and Seventeenth-Century Spanish Culture
James A. Parr
James A. Parr, ed. On Cervantes: Essays for L. A. Murillo
William H. Clamurro
Teresa Scott Soufas. Melancholy and the Secular Mind in Spanish Golden Age Literature
Charles Ganelin
Eduardo Urbina. Principios y fines del 'Quijote'
Amy R. Williamsen
Eric J. Ziolkowski. The Sanctification of Don Quixote: From Hidalgo to Priest
Patrick Henry
One fine body…