George Haley, «The Narrator in Don Quijote: Maese Pedro's Puppet Show», in El Saffar, Critical Essays on Cervantes, 109-110 (originally in MLN 80 [1965]): 145-65.
In order to avoid repeating «he or she», etc., I refer hereafter to the Reader alternately as «he» or «she».
Especially in Part Two, it is often difficult to be certain when a particular narrator is misreading Don Quijote's adventures and when he is intentionally giving an ironic or deceitful reading. Whether the narrators are actually misreading the situations and characters or intentionally giving ironic (mis)readings, I will call their readings «misreadings», since at any rate they at least appear to be misreadings.
See Parr, especially pp. 11-12.
See Howard Mancing, «Cide Hamete Benengeli vs. Miguel de Cervantes: The Metafictional Dialectic of Don Quijote», Cervantes 1 (1981): 63-81 and John J. Allen, «The Narrators, the Reader and don Quijote», MLN 91 (1976): 201-212, for more on Cervantes's alienation and redirection of the reader.
Jorge Luis Borges, «Magias parciales del Quijote», Prosa Completa (Barcelona: Bruguera, 1980), 174-75.
I would like to thank Professors Thomas A. O'Connor and Salvador J. Fajardo for their encouragement and for advising me in the revision of this paper.
Dicen que la variación | |||
hace a la naturaleza | |||
colma de gusto y belleza, | |||
y está muy puesto en razón. | |||
Un manjar a la contina | |||
enfada, y un solo objeto | |||
a los ojos del discreto | |||
da disgusto y amohína. | |||
Un solo vestido cansa. | |||
En fin, con la variedad | |||
se muda la voluntad | |||
y el espíritu descansa. |
Teatro completo, edited by Florencio Sevilla Arroyo and Antonio Rey Hazas (Madrid: Planeta, 1987), III.2660-69. References to La casa de los celos are also to this edition. Roman numerals refer to Acts, Arabic numerals to lines, except where indicated.
Joaquín Casalduero, Sentido y forma del teatro de Cervantes, second edition (Madrid: Gredos, 1966); Edward H. Friedman, The Unifying Concept: Approaches to the Structure of Cervantes' «Comedias» (York, SC: Spanish Literature Publications Company, 1981).
«Cervantes and Inverisimilar Fiction: Reconsidering La casa de los celos y selvas de Ardenia», in Studies in Honour of John Varey by his Colleagues and Pupils, edited by Charles Davis and Alan Deyermond (London: Westfield College, 1991), pp. 127-36.