Pocket conspectus of the new London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias Wherein the Virtues, Uses, and...
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Contenido de la obra
Pocket conspectus of the new London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias Wherein the Virtues, Uses, and Doses, of the several Articles and Preparations contained in those Works, are concisely stated, their Pronunciation as to Quantity is distinctly marked, and a Variety of other Particulars respecting them given, calculated more especially for the Use of junior Practitioners / by Robert Graves...Enlace externo en Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad de Granada

Registro bibliográfico
- Título: Pocket conspectus of the new London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias Wherein the Virtues, Uses, and Doses, of the several Articles and Preparations contained in those Works, are concisely stated, their Pronunciation as to Quantity is distinctly marked, and a Variety of other Particulars respecting them given, calculated more especially for the Use of junior Practitioners / by Robert Graves...
- Autor: Graves, Rover
- Publicación original: Sherborne:, printed by w. Cruttwell:, 1796
- Descripción física: Vi, [2], 112 p. ;. 12º
Nota general:
- Proviene del Departamento de Historia de la Farmacia
- Notas de reproducción original: Reproducción digital del original conservado en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Granada
- Encuadernacion: BHR/A-047-098 (2) Pasta
- Num.registro: BHR/A-047-098 (2) 4305
- Olim: BHR/A-047-098 (2) F-4-14
- Sign.tipogr.: A4, B-H8
- Idioma: inglés
- Institución origen: Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad de Granada
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