The totall discourse, of the rare aduentures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene...
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Contenido de la obra
The totall discourse, of the rare aduentures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares trauayles from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica : perfited by three deare bought voyages, in surueighing of forty eight kingdomes ancient and moderne, twenty one rei-publickes, ten absolute principalities, with two hundred ilands ; the particular names whereof, are described in each argument of the ten diuisions of this history, and it also diuided in three bookes, two whereof, neuer heretofore published ; wherein is contayned, an exact relation, of the lawes, religion, policies, and gouernment of all their princes, potentates, and people, together with the grieuous tortures he suffered, by the inquisition of Malaga in Spaine, his miraculous discouery and deliuery thence, and of his last and late returne from the northerne iles ... / by William LithgowEnlace externo en Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad Complutense

Registro bibliográfico
- Título: The totall discourse, of the rare aduentures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares trauayles from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica : perfited by three deare bought voyages, in surueighing of forty eight kingdomes ancient and moderne, twenty one rei-publickes, ten absolute principalities, with two hundred ilands ; the particular names whereof, are described in each argument of the ten diuisions of this history, and it also diuided in three bookes, two whereof, neuer heretofore published ; wherein is contayned, an exact relation, of the lawes, religion, policies, and gouernment of all their princes, potentates, and people, together with the grieuous tortures he suffered, by the inquisition of Malaga in Spaine, his miraculous discouery and deliuery thence, and of his last and late returne from the northerne iles ... / by William Lithgow
- Autor: Lithgow, William, 1582-1645?
- Publicación original: Imprinted at London : by Nicholas Okes : and are to sold by Nicholas Fussell and Humphery Mosley ..., 1632.
- Descripción física: 4. il. ;
Nota general:
- También disponibles fotografías digitales: DVD FG (n2992a y b)
- Notas de reproducción original: Reproducción digital del original conservado en la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- También disponible la reproducción digital parcial.
- Guthrie, Douglas, ant. pos.
- Freeling, Francis, 1764-1836, ant. pos. BHI BH FG 2992.
- Guerra, Francisco, 1916- , ant. pos. BHI BH FG 2992.
- Guerra, Francisco, 1916- , ant. pos. BHI BH FG 2992.
- Idioma: inglés
- Institución origen: Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad Complutense
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