Río y Rico discusses and clarifies the bibliographical confusion surrounding the works of «Habela Patiño» (p. 602).
More biographical information is available on Centeno than on any other author discussed in this essay; see Herr (pp. 187-88), Manrique, and Aguilar Piñal, Bibliografía (p. 385). I have not consulted Miguel de la Pinta Llorente's long, multi-part essay on Centeno's relationship with the Inquisition cited by Aguilar Piñal.
Givanel doubts that Gatell is the author of this work (2, 22). The initials «D. A. A. P. y G.», however, speak in favor of this attribution, although they do not provide conclusive proof. Neither do Rius (3, 405) or Grismer (1, 115) list the work under Gatell. See Río y Rico's discussion of authorship (pp. 584-85).
With it Sbarbi also published Alonso Ramírez y Blanco's «Respuestas de Sanchico Panza, á dos cartas que le remitió su padre desde la Insula Barataria; que cónsta por tradicion se custodiaron en el archivo de la Academia Argamasillesca. Primera que publica en honor de la verdad, y de la fama, y familia de los Panzas Ramon Alexo de Zidra» (Alcalá: Isidro López, 1791), pp. 41-66, and the anonymous critique of the «Instrucciones» entitled «Engaña bobos y Saca dinero» (Madrid: Joseph Herrera, 1790), pp. 187-96. The latter was published together with the «Instrucciones», perhaps, as Rius suggests (3, 405), not to criticize but rather to attract attention to and promote the text.
Cotarelo is the most emphatic in taking the claim of new authorship literally; see pp. 55, n. 3; 83-84; and 95, n. 1. See Río y Rico's discussion of the difficulty involved in the question of attribution of Gatell's works in general and the second part of the Historia in particular: p. 586.
The «Honremos» is attributed to Jara in the «Bibliografia» sections of both the BRAE (4, 547) and the RFE (5, 105).
The Estudio is listed in the RFE as anonymous (3, 455) and again later as the work of Jara (4, 99). Later still, in a brief review of the work in the «Notas bibliográficas» section of the RFE, it is stated that Jara is not Hamete Aben Xarah Beturani, but, since the book is so fantastic that it deserves no comment, the matter of authorship «en realidad, no tiene demasiada importancia» (4, 405). It receives no authorial attribution in the BRAE (4, 547).
The Libros is attributed only to Cide Hamete Benengeli in RFE (6, 266). See the comments below under Esteso.
Palau senior, rather than his sons who completed the second edition after their father's death in 1954, must bear the responsibility. He directed the operation of the first eight volumes of the work, and vol. 4 (1951) contains the cross reference from Delgado to Jara, while vol. 7 (1954) includes the comprehensive listings under Jara's name.
Both Rogers (p. 145) and Lapuente (p. 142) later repeat the same mistakes, making it clear that they neither saw the works in question nor consulted all the requisite bibliographical sources.