Auburn University
While they even more frequently describe Fielding's or Sterne's influence on the Waverley novels, Scott's critics are often interested in how his novels reflect Scott's awareness of Cervantes. When he was only fourteen, Scott began a translation of Don Quixote and he remained fond of that novel throughout his life, as Jerome Mitchell reminds us in Scott, Chaucer and Medieval Romance78. There are numerous references to and quotations from Don Quixote in the Waverley series. Best known of these are the title for the Waverley subseries «Tales of My Landlord» and Scott's instructions to his readers in Waverley:
From the minuteness with which I have traced Waverley's pursuits, and the bias which they unavoidably communicated to his imagination, the reader may perhaps anticipate, in the following tale, an imitation of Cervantes. But he will do my prudence injustice in the supposition. My intention is not to follow the steps of that inimitable author, in describing such total perversion of intellect as misconstrues the objects actually presented to the senses, but that more common aberration —46→ from sound judgment, which apprehends occurrences indeed in their reality, but communicates to them a tincture of its own romantic tone and coloring79. |
Edward Waverley is like Don Quixote in that his worldview is the result of his reading, an unstructured education consisting of
While secluded at Waverley Manor and left to educate himself,
«young Waverley drove through a sea of books, like a
vessel without a pilot or rudder»
. Like Quixote, Waverley leaves home with this education as his
guide. His peculiar military career leads Waverley to the turning point when
«he felt himself entitled to say firmly, though perhaps
with a sigh, that the romance of his life was ended, and that its real history
had now commenced.»
Alexander Welsh maintains that Waverley is
«in some ways a youthful counterpart of Don Quixote»
80. Welsh regards Quixote not as mad, but as merely foolish
-arguing vigorously that the pursuit of justice which Quixote symbolizes may be
essentially a fool's blessed errand. In turn, Waverley is certainly not
deranged, but merely very young. Thus,
«an 'aberration from sound judgment' is not a lifetime
affliction, but an aspect of...
«when the cure for quixoticism consists simply in growing
up, the nineteenth-century novel of disillusionment has been founded»
Even so, critics have rarely seen Cervantes' influence in Scott's novels anywhere but in some variation of the quixote82. Little has been said about his farther-ranging structural and narrative influence. Suggestions that these exist have been typically rejected, as Welsh demonstrates in The Hero of the Waverley Novels:
Scott's good sense saved him from associating too warmly with the Knight of La Mancha... The same good sense, however, restricted Scott's understanding of Cervantes' parody. He does not seem to have understood... the play between fiction and reality in Don Quixote. He neither practices himself nor quite recognized the method of posing fiction against fiction... Instead, Scott's instinct was to rationalize Cervantes' parody83. |
Actually, Scott makes an extensive practice of setting up «the play between fiction and reality», as well as the play among levels of fiction. Not only do we find an illusion-filled figure wandering through the novel's landscape as a trace of Cervantine influence; but, more significantly, we also find as evidence textuality foregrounded, layers of fictionality superimposed, and the author portrayed as editor. Best representing Cervantes' extensive influence are the Waverley prefaces.
—48→They make extensive use of four narrative devices found in Don Quixote: the journey and inn motifs, the found manuscript device, and the strategy of self-conscious textual referentiality. But the series adds a dimension to the questions raised by Don Quixote concerning narrative authority, the nature of fiction, and the relationships between life and art, appearance and reality by applying these questions to historical fiction. For instance, we may hypothesize that the found manuscript device and the historical novel link in the idea that history is itself a found manuscript -the plot, action, and characterization having already been acted out in historical events, then laid aside to await discovery and narrative treatment by later transcribers, editors and others.
The motif of the journey, punctuated with inns as resting points, provides the organizational basis for Don Quixote's plot, character development, and narrative structure. Quixote travels to seek adventure, and finds it in abundance. His journeys are the stuff of which Cid Hamete Benengeli s manuscripts are made; Benengeli records and comments upon Quixote's experiences, while transcribing the tales, ballads, and adventures narrated to Quixote by other characters. The journey motif brings these narrators together, while also providing narrative raw material. The inn and its landlord give these travelers a stopping point where they may encounter one another in person or through narrative, when the story of one character is told to and by others. Ironically, Quixote finds little rest at these inns -along with varied reactions from their keepers- since he is sometimes at his maddest during these interludes, as his encounter with Maritornes illustrates. But it is the first innkeeper encountered who makes Don Quixote's journeys what they are: by dubbing him a knight, the ceremony without which the transformation from Quixada/Quesada/Quexana to Don Quixote could not have occurred, and by advising Quixote to equip himself with money and clean shirts «in slim saddlebags» -information which the books of chivalry apparently neglect. The journey motif is also the organizational device in the Waverley novels. The «Tales of My Landlord» subseries opens with two epigraphs. The first is from Robert Burns:
In these lines, the traveling narrator is a spy -one with a keen eye for realistic detail, for 'local color', who could be anywhere, recording anything. The found manuscript for this «chiel» is not necessarily already on paper. The implication is that the subject of this found manuscript might want to be cautious while the process of finding it is at work. The second epigraph reads:
Quixote is enthusiastic about being the subject of transcription -and so the found subject of a later manuscript intermittently lost and found:
As our new-fledged adventurer paced along, he kept talking to himself. «Who knows», he said, «whether in time to come, when the veracious history of my famous deeds is made known, the sage who writes it, when he has set forth my first sally in the morning, may not do it after this fashion?» «Scarce had the rubicund Apollo spred o'er the face of the broad spacious earth the golden threads of his bright hair, scarce had the little birds of painted plumage attuned their notes to hail with dulcet and mellifluous harmony the coming of the rosy Dawn, that, deserting the soft couch of her jealous spouse, was appearing to mortals at the gates and balconies of the Manchegan horizon, when the renowned knight Don Quixote of La Mancha, quitting the lazy down, mounted his celebrated steed Rocinante and began to traverse the ancient and famous Fields of Montiel», which in fact he was actually traversing84. |
Here is a manuscript waiting to be found, but other potential characters may be more reluctant concerning their possible transcription.
Found manuscripts also appear in Cervantes' novel, as the scene
described in the epigraph illustrates85. «A Story of Ill-Advised Curiosity» provides another
found manuscript; this tale is «written in a very good hand» and
left with the landlord in «an old valise secured with a little
chain.» The Landlord
«mean[s] to return it to the person who forgot the valise,
books and papers here, for maybe he will return some time or other.»
Here is a primary example of a manuscript separated from its
unknown author, mislaid by its owner, found by someone else, and then
interpolated into the text of
Don Quixote.
Cervantes' landlord is paralleled in Scott's «Tales»
by the landlord of the Wallace Inn, but it is not in his possession that the
tales are found. Instead, the subseries is named for him because he is a link
with Scott's tutor text and because he, like Cervantes' landlord, provides and
oversees a meeting place for potential taletellers. There are tales told at the
Wallace Inn:
The Black Dwarf is one of these. These are
tales collected by Peter Pattieson during his own limited ramblings:
Old Mortality is one of those. But all of the
tales in the series are first transcribed by Pattieson and then edited by
Jedediah Cleishbotham from Pattieson's
«papers [which] had been left in [Cleishbotham's] care (to
answer funeral and death-bed expenses).»
By sharing the journey and inn motifs with Don Quixote, the Waverley novels demonstrate their own textuality. The epigraph above provides the Waverley subseries with its title, while establishing the series' textuality by referring to a novel outside its scope. The novels attach themselves to their forebear or tutor text by referring outside themselves to this text and by appropriating bits of Don Quixote into themselves. But the most significant link between Don Quixote and the Waverley novels is that both call attention to themselves as texts by self-consciously exposing their own narrative machineries. This machinery is encased in the found manuscript device. Don Quixote is superlatively self-conscious in that it claims to be the result of —51→ discovery and editing by one person, translation by an anonymous Morisco, and transcription by Cid Hamete Benengeli86. Quixote's adventures are additionally transcribed by others in other texts and remembered by the citizens of La Mancha. By using the found manuscript device, the author of the book at hand defers narrative authority and responsibility by attributing the production of the original text to another writer -one who is at least one remove from the reader because of this ploy. The more or less present author may claim to be a compiler, editor or translator, but does not claim final narrative responsibility for the text.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the
find as
«I. To come upon by chance or in the course of
«II. To discover or attain by search or effort.»
These definitions give positional preference to the element of
chance in the activity of finding and well suit the Waverley prefaces and their
manipulation of the found manuscript device.
Don Quixote's use of this motif also stresses
the accidental. But what happens to the concept of the accidental when the
found manuscript motif is located within a historical novel? This question
brings the second definition of
find into configuration with the first: the
manuscript is both accidentally and deliberately discovered, both an artifact
and a link with the past. Obliquely, a significant observation about the nature
of historical discourse is made and a hint that history itself may be described
as a found manuscript is given.
Further, it is important to realize that what is found has been lost and can easily be lost again. In Don Quixote, loss of a manuscript section stops the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance in mid-battle at the end of Chapter 8, and more of Benengeli's manuscript must be found before the battle can be resolved. In the Waverley prefaces, an ongoing tension is created by the image of the ever-receding past, which is inevitably slipping away from the best of antiquarians, historians, minstrels, folklorists, —52→ storytellers, and historical novelists. Metaphorically, the loss of the past may be seen as bringing any human group to the impasse of liminality, just as the loss of the Cid's manuscript has arrested Don Quixote. The reader cannot proceed in discovering what has already happened to Quixote without being able to read what has been transcribed about him. The Waverley prefaces suggest that human activity in the present is somehow impaired if we cannot read the manuscript of the past.
Waverley authorial personae find manuscripts in abundance. In the
«Tales», Jedediah Cleishbotham finds Peter Pattieson's manuscripts
among other papers. Laurence Templeton and Captain Clutterbuck find and are
given manuscripts to which they pay some editorial attention; then, hoping for
assistance, they send these on to the Author of Waverley. Templeton's
manuscript source is
«the singular Anglo-Saxon MS., which Sir Arthur Wardour
preserves with such jealous care in the third drawer of his cabinet, scarcely
allowing anyone to touch it, and being himself not able to read one syllable of
its contents.»
Thus, the manuscript of
Ivanhoe is found in the possession of a
character in
The Antiquary, the Author of Waverley's
second novel, and referred to the Author for editing. Clutterbuck's manuscript
source for
The Monastery and
The Abbot -
«a clasped paper book, about the size of a regimental
orderly-book, full... of memoranda»
- is given to him by a mysterious Benedictine monk. This text
is also passed on to the Author of Waverley for further revision. Dr. Dryasdust
receives the manuscript for
Peveril of the Peak -a very boring
«narrative, running to the length of perhaps three hundred
and thirty pages in each volume»
- through the mail. The manuscript reaches Dryasdust
«about a week before» its anonymous author does. Dryasdust then
identifies his visitor as the Author of Waverley, but also refers to him as the
Eidolon. The Greek term
eidolon means «spectre or
image»; to this, English adds «phantom». The term suggests
that authorial authority is a fading, illusory thing and that the author is
merely an image instead of a viable being.
Woodstock's truly anonymous narrator opens
that novel's 1826 preface with this statement about found manuscripts:
Crystal Croftangry, the last of the Waverley narrative personae, is presented with the most personal found manuscript in: that this one is a remnant of his own family history and all that remains for him of a failed fortune.
By equipping itself with an intricately layered preface, Don Quixote sets the model and thus becomes a found manuscript for the Waverley series. The layers include title and dedication page, price declaration, corrector's statement, royal letter of permission to publish, dedication to the Duke of Bejar, prologue, and preliminary verses. The prologue establishes the problematic image of the author as stepfather to the text, and discusses the problem of writing prefaces. So difficult is this task that a trusted friend appears to help Don Quixote's first-person narrator write the preface, thus facilitating (the narrator tells us) the novel's completion. The friend maintains that the prologue already exists in a certain way and needs only to be found. In this case, the activity of finding is that of bricolage: all the current author has to do is to lift bits from standard texts and piece them together in the pattern already established by literary tradition and reader expectation. According to this formula, Horace, Holy Scripture, Cato, mythology, Ovid, Homer, Virgil, Julius Caesar, Plutarch, Leon the Hebrew, Fonseca, Aristotle, Saint Basil, and Cicero are all standing by, waiting to fulfill specific preface functions. Reference to them, as long as it coincides with reader expectation, is all that is needed to establish narrative authority and to produce an impressive prologue.
This description forms a powerful parallel to the scene in the
«Minutes of Sederunt of the General Meeting of the Shareholders Designing
to Form a Joint-Stock Company, United for the Purpose of Writing and Publishing
the Class of Works Called the 'Waverley Novels'» a situation calling
together almost all of the Waverley narrative personae. Here, the Eidolon (also
called the Preses on this occasion) describes an invention by which
«at the expense of a little mechanism, some part of the
labor of composing these novels might be saved by the use of steam.»
Already, division of labor is being used in series production,
with each authorial persona assigned a role in this monumental task. But now,
technology can go a step farther in generating the generic Waverley text:
Here is another sort of bricolage: a text made up of set pieces from other texts in the series to which the resulting bricolage will belong. A standard critical barb aimed at the Waverley novels is being deflected here; critics characterize the series by its wooden, intrusive set pieces. But something more is also at work. While the friendly advisor in the preface to Don Quixote recommends that its authorial persona look to earlier authors' texts for immediately portable pieces out of which to assemble a preface, the Preses suggests in the preface to The Betrothed that future Waverley novels themselves should look to past Waverley novels for these useful bits, thus creating a circular, perfectly self-referential text.
Don Quixote and the Waverley novels share another link: each underscores its own referentiality and its own status as text through copious use of source materials and citations. In Don Quixote, these sources are themselves literary: ballads, poems, and plays the contemporary audience was familiar with and -first in importance- the books of chivalry which the novel borrows from and professes to attack. All of these sources are satirical targets in the novel, but they all exert influence upon Quixote's behavior in the textual present and account for his vision of the past. For the Waverley series, source materials are ballads, poems, oral narratives, and historical texts, all of which create the layered, embedded narratives that constitute what this series means by historical fiction, historiography, and, indeed, all forms of historical discourse. These are the found manuscripts that Scott's novels make use of and, in using them in a particularly self-conscious manner, the series describes historical —55→ discourse as referential, eclectic, and inextricably involved in its own self-conscious textuality.
Herbert Butterfield regards historical fiction as an act of resurrection87. In a sense, historical fictions resuscitate a once-lived past, revitalizing the lost text and reviving its characters and their motivations. But a false immediacy is suggested because what is resurrected, what is found are not in fact past events themselves, but merely the text of past events. The manuscript to be found is always already an artifact, whether written or otherwise inscribed in stone, paint, or memory. Further, the Waverley novels as historical fictions demonstrate a remarkable urgency in their search for the lost manuscripts of the past: the human past as manuscript is ephemeral and constantly receding, determined to lose itself or to remain lost. David Brown remarks about The Antiquary's «characters» own obsession with history as a subject»88; this anxiety permeates the entire Waverley series. The historical urgency of some of the narrative personae is ironically underscored by the apparent detachment of others, as evidenced by the latter's cynicism concerning their own found manuscripts and their sniping remarks on the subject among themselves.
However history is evaluated, memory -personal or shared- constitutes a significant sort of found manuscript in the Waverley prefaces, and one that is particularly vulnerable to loss. Scott's critics usually like those Waverley novels that are referentially founded in personal memory better than those that use more 'bookish' source materials89. They particularly favor the novels that draw on Scott's personal memory, memory that falls within the boundaries of familial oral tradition (e.g., the «sixty years» of Waverley's subtitle). This time period includes the life experiences of immediate generations who can narrate these events to the young.
In Waverley's first chapter, The Author comments about the vulnerability of memory. He points out that the subtitle's «sixty years since» are rapidly increasing in number, causing the date of Waverley's action to recede farther into the past. Time's —56→ passing weakens the vigor of shared memory and increases the need for the aid and supplement of transcription. The passage of time underscores Waverley's status as a historical novel and defines the text as vulnerable to this process in the same manner as are the events and characters which it attempts to protect from erasure. Waverley's «Introductory» deals with this dilemma in two seemingly contradictory ways: by describing human nature as universal and constant and by ironically undermining this claim. If human nature does not vary with time and place, then it stands outside the limits of history and constitutes a significant sort of permanent found manuscript, impervious to the erasures of time. In this case, the historical novel too partakes of this universality and its task of preserving an ephemeral past through its representations is not quite such a desperate one. In fact, the Author suggests:
Here the image of the great book of Nature suggests a found manuscript of yet another kind. This one demands especially careful transcription and allows for very little editorial textual play. It is the text which inscribes all others, with any given historical event as merely a particular manifestation of human —57→ nature's constants. But the Author cannot leave this pronouncement alone. He immediately undermines it with this footnote:
Just as the cultural artifacts of fashion change with time, the historical novel itself is subject to the boundaries of «manners» which the Author describes.
Tangential to the limits of memory, Waverley's Magnum Opus preface takes up the problem of the unrecallable source. But here, the narrator expresses despair over these limits, as he describes his situation:
If memory is itself the reference or the repository of source material, then it empowers narrative authority, a category always in question in a text based on a found manuscript. Two types of metaphorical found manuscripts are juxtaposed here: that from which the fictional author or editor creates her/his text and that which is found in memory and historical record.
Both types are called into question by the Waverley authorial personae. The found manuscripts of memory and historical event are vulnerable to the erasures of time. Even the definitive found manuscript of «the great book of Nature» is not impervious to this process. The Author of Waverley undermines the found manuscript motif as it is modeled after Don Quixote. In his letter to Captain Clutterbuck in the preface to The Monastery, the Eidolon writes:
The Author does not identify his own work as based on such luck, though he claims that status for Cleishbotham's manuscript; nor does he mention Don Quixote here. Instead, he refers the reader and the Captain to «the History of Automathes», «Adventures of a Guinea», and «Adventures of an Atom» and continues:
The Eidolon situates Clutterbuck in the country of «utopia» and so exposes -or at least threatens to expose- the Captain's essential fictionality. Inversely, this threat underscores the desire of the Waverley narrative personae for independent lives and for escape from the boundaries of the preface. But it also turns the found manuscript motif back upon itself in a curious, informative way: being an extension of a literary tradition, any later text is, in a very real sense, a found manuscript; being grounded in historical event, the same is true for any form of historical discourse -including the historical novel. The manuscript may be found in a variety of hiding places: in personal or communal memory, oral tradition, ballad, historical records, architecture, artifacts. But the finding will not always be through luck, though this characteristic is definitional and established by the experience of numerous Waverley personae. According to the Eidolon, finding is more typically a result of method and diligence -characteristics also established in defining find. He implies that behind all of the manipulations of text and narrative responsibility attached to the found manuscript device, there is still the hand of an author who in the end accounts for the artistry of a particular text.
—59→The point of juxtaposing the found manuscript motif and the historical novel is this: history itself can be seen as a found manuscript, one created by many hands. It is a manuscript continually in danger of being forever lost. History requires fiction to salvage the text of the past, fill in its blanks, and make it legible to the general reader. For, according to the numerous authorial personae in Don Quixote and the Waverley novels, something of immeasurable value is lost with the permanent loss of this text, however partial and fragmented it may by necessity be.