Many of these details I owe to a personal letter from the son of General Ignacio Pérez Galdós who bears the same name as his father. Although he was born ten years after the events of 1879-80 he gives me the family traditions on this period. About the materials for El amigo Manso he says «muchas veces oí decir a mi madre Caridad, que fue aquella su hermana María quien informó a Galdós de muchos datos para la familia cubana que conocemos en El amigo Manso».
Don Ignacio writes «No puedo precisar si también vivió con mis padres una señora Hurtado de Mendoza pariente política de los Pérez Galdós, pero creo recordar que sí, aunque sin precisar detalles.»
El amigo Manso, p. 1179 (Chap. 8).
Ibid., p. 1190 (Chap. 14).
Ibid., p. 1185 (Chap. 11).
Ibid., p. 1179 (Chap. 8). Galdós was notably inaccurate in recalling the dates of his works, etc., but we are astounded to read that he told Clarín that he was born in 1845 (instead of 1843). Clarín, Galdós, p. 11. If, as it seems, this was his habitual way of reckoning his age, his brother Ignacio would be only six years older than he, not eight years, as he really was.
See Berkowitz, Pérez Galdós, pp. 15-17.
El amigo Manso, p. 1174 (Chap. 6, end).
Ibid., p. 1164 (Chap. 2, end).
Ibid., p. 1178 (Chap. 7).