José A. Ferrer Benimeli, La masonería en los «Episodios nacionales» de Pérez Galdós. Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid, 1982, pp. 291.
Robert Kirsner, Veinte años de matrimonio en las novelas de Galdós. Eastchester: Eliseo Torres, 1983. 244 pp.
Víctor Fuentes, Galdós demócrata y republicano (escritos y discursos 1907-1913). Prólogo de José Carlos Mainer. (Colección Viera y Clavijo, I.) Universidad de La Laguna, 1982. Pp. 135.
Review of: James Whiston, The Early Stages of Composition of Galdós' «Lo probibido». London. Tamesis Books Limited. 1983.
In addition, linear and inter-linear text should be distinguished. I would also suggest the exact reproduction of spelling and punctuation; in fine, a transcription as faithful as possible to the manuscript, whether it be a preliminary version or the final text itself, whose enmendations are also of great interest.
Obras Completas, Madrid, Aguilar, 1969, Tomo IV, p. 1787. The quotation immediately following is also from this edition.