Ibid., p. 86.
Ibid., p. 88.
In one of Kustodiev's early essays, which he wrote in Spain, «The Last Auto-da-fé in Seville», Russky Vestnik [Russian Herald], (1863, October), we find his comment on the «eloquent professor of Madrid University» Castelar, whose lecture he attended on the institution of the Inquisition in Spain under the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella. Kustodiev was stunned that Castelar, «as a true patriot, honorign the 'Catholic Monarchs' and very careful in his judgment of them, allowed himself to use sharp language in laying out the characteristics of the founder of the Inquisition, Pope Sixtus IV» (especially pp. 482-483). So in the abovequoted letter by Kustodiev, where he refers to his listeners at the Ateneo -the university professors- he has in mind Castelar.
The comments on Russian writers by Juan Valera, who was in Russia even at the beginning of the forties, became known only in recent times from his letters and diaries. J. Valera learned much from S. A. Sobolyevsky, who had friends and correspondents among Spanish writers and scholars, but the latter did not leave so much as a trace in the Spanish press of the middle of the past century.
The journalist from Livorno, Aristido Provenzal, in an essay «Pushkin giudicato de Castelar» (Firenze, 1874 -I used the copy of this rare brochure, which is preserved at the State Public Library in Leningrad) cited excerpts from Castelar's article on Puskin in Italian translation, having taken it from a Madrid periodical. «Between 1874 and 1880 several Spanish translations of Povyesti Belkina [Tales of Belkin] were published, along with a review of Kapitanskaya dochka [The Captains' Daughter], as a separate book in Madrid (1879). All of these early Spanish translations from Puskin are listed in the annotation by Edward N. Beighler «Early Spanish Translations of Pushkin» (Hispanic Review, VI, [1938], pp. 348-349. Here, however, and in the above-mentioned sources as well, nothing is said about Castelar and his essay about Puskin.
«Whatever comfort there may be in the circumstance that even Spanish political figures do not ignore out writers, still it must be said that it is difficult to find anything written with such ignorance and with such a misunderstanding of the matter, with such tendentiousness, and phrasemongering, as Castelar's article» -wrote B. A. P. in the essay «Castelar and Lies about Puskin», S-Petyerburgskiye vedomosti [St. Petersburg Register], (1875), No. 38.
W. J. Linton, European Republicains [sic] (London, 1892), p, 275.
K. Skalkovsky, Putyevye vpechatlenia po Ispanii, Yegiptu, Aravii i Indii [A Traveller's Impressions of Spain, Egypt, Arabia, and India], (St. Petersburg, 1873), p. 230.
«V. L. Castelar on Contemporary Russia», Zagranichny Vestnik [Foreign Herald], (1882), II, No. 3, pp. 519-531; V. V. Lesyevich, «Views of Spanish Critics on the Russian novel and Russian life», Russkaya Mysl [Russian Thought], (1888), No. 10, pp. 101-104; I. Yakovlev [I. Ya. Pavlovsky], Ocherki sovremyennoi Ispanii [Sketches of Contemporary Spain], (St. Petersburg, 1889), pp. 148-149.
I. YakovIev [I. Ya. Pavlovsky], op. cit., p. 172 -in this same book Pavlovsky reports on his meetings and conversations with José Zorrilla (p. 359), and with Jacinto Verdaguer, who made a journey to Petersburg (pp. 397-403), etc. See also M. P. Aleksev, «Turgenev and Spanish Writers», Lityeraturny Kritik [Literary Critic], 1938, No. 11, pp. 141-144.