José F. Montesinos, Galdós (Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1968), I, p. xix.
Vernon A. Chamberlin and Jack Weiner, «Galdós's Doña Perfecta and Turgenev's Fathers and Sons: Two Interpretations of the Conflict between Generations» (PMLA), 86 (1971), 19-24.
Ocherki istorii ispano-russkikh litertaurnykh otnosheny xvi-xix vv. (Outline History of Hispano-Russian Literary Relations, Centuries 16-19 [Leningrad: Leningrad University, 1964]), pp. 207-13.
G. Portnov (G. Portnoff, La literatura rusa en España (Instituto de las Españas [New York, 1932], p. 37) -citing the opinion of Enrique Díez-Canedo («Conversaciones literarias»), who maintained that interest in Russian literature in Spain grew up around 1880- moves that date to the end of the 80s. Earlier, V. V. Rakhmanov (in the essay «Russian literature in Spain», Yazyk I Literatura [Language and Literature], [Leningrad, 1930], V, p. 333) noted: «Russian literature before Dostoevsky, Turgenev, and Tolstoy practically does not exist for the Spaniards». But in Spain, acquaintance with the above-mentioned writers also was quite late in comparison with other Western European countries.
Concerning Emilia Pardo Bazán's book, see: J. Valera, «Con motivo de las novelas rusas», Revista de España, 1887, 10 July; V. V. Lesevich, «Views of Spanish Criticism of the Russian Novel and Russian Life», Russkaya Mysl [Russian Thought], 1888, bk. 10, pp. 98-113; on a personal acquaintance with E. Pardo Bazán see: V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Ocherki Ispanii, Iz pulyevkh vospominary [Essays on Spain: From Travel Memoirs], (Moscow, 1888), 1, pp. 439-50. Pardo Bazán's views evoked a negative reaction in an essay by Pompeyo Jener in El Liberal (1889) referred to in Istorichesky Vestnik [Historical Herald] (1889), No. 4, p. 237.
On the early history of the «Ateneo», there is a short work: Rafael María de Labra, El Ateneo de Madrid (Madrid, 1867).
Werner Mulertt, «Das Ateneo», Die Neueren Sprachen (1924), XXXII, No. 1, pp. 61-69; L. Yu. Sepyelyavich, «From Spain», Obrazovaniye [Education], (1903), No. 1, section II, pp. 22-32; see also the article «Ateneo», Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada (Espasa). vol. 6.
For a list of them, see the book: S. D. Sokolov, Saratovtsy pisatyeli i uhcenye [Writers and Scholars from Saratov], (Saratov, 1913), pp. 244-252.
Prof. T- - sky, «K. L. Kustodiev and his Life in Spain», Strannik [The Wanderer], (1884, January), pp. 71-88.
Ibid., pp. 85-86.