See Theodore Alan Sackett, Galdós y las máscaras (Verona: Università degli Studi di Padova, 1982), item 391. (N. del A.)
For summaries of these reviews, see Sackett, items 415, 439, 456, 472, 510, 538, and 553, respectively. (N. del A.)
Sackett, items 406, 415. (N. del A.)
Sackett, item 492. (N. del A.)
Julio Burell (1859-1919) had commenced his career as a republican journalist, writing in El Progreso and Nuevo Heraldo. A convert to liberalism, he then wrote for León y Castillo's La Opinión. Prior to the Galdós banquet, he had served as «gobernador civil» of Jaén (1900) and Toledo (1901). He later served under Canalejas as Minister of Public Instruction (1910- 1911). In January 1916, Burell, as Minister of Public Instruction, appointed Galdós to a sinecure with a monthly salary of one thousand pesetas, thereby alleviating the novelisc's financial difficulties. (N. del A.)
It will be obvious that Madariaga avoids stating that the name Andara is based on the Cantabrian place-name, merely that Galdós used this same name for one of his characters. The notion of coincidence would appear to be untenable. (N. del A.)
Cuarenta leguas 32. Galdós's letter was dated 28 November; it was reproduced in Carmen Bravo-Villasante. (N. del A.)
Nazarín, Part IV, Chapter iv. Given the number of different editions of Nazarín and the unreliability of the Aguilar Obras completas text, I have elected to give references to Part and Chapter numbers. (N. del A.)
Some references to the author give his name as Joaquín Fuste y Garcés. (N. del A.)
As quoted by Pidal and Zabala (25). (N. del A.)