Alicia Graciela Andreu, Galdós y la literatura popular. Madrid, Sociedad General Española de Librería, 1982. (N. del A.)
Such critics as Lion Feuchtwanger would be astonished to see their whole field of critical (and novelistic) endeavor wiped out in this cavalier fashion. (N. del A.)
For example, in his discussion of Fortunata y Jacinta Professor Shoemaker mentions two chapter titles of «apparently contemporary political allusion, 'The Conquering Restoration' and 'The Vanquished Revolution'» (2, p. 259). However, he goes on to say, «the titles allude exclusively to the novels characters who are interacting at the same time» (2, p. 259). The parallels between the public and private crises of Spain are deliberately emphasized by Galdós by the use of these very chapter titles. Lack of space precludes the examination of further examples, which are legion. (N. del A.)
Denah Lida, «De Almudena y su lenguaje», NRFH, xv (1961), 297-308. (N. del A.)