Martín Castañega, Tratado muy sutil y bien fundado de las supersticiones y hechicerías y varios conjuros (Logroño, 1529).
In Autos de fe y causas de la Inquisición de Córdoba (Córdoba, 1983), 91-96.
Amezúa, for one, seeks to minimize the importance of this event, because he believes the Coloquio was written no later than 1605, and probably in Fall 1604, when Cervantes was living in Valladolid. He is willing to admit, however, that Cervantes could have incorporated some details from the 1610 relación into last-minute revisions of his text. Amezúa, Cervantes creador, II, 452. All Forcione says is: «Various Cervantists have connected the genesis of the Cañizares episode with the famous auto de fe of Logroño in 1610». (Cervantes and the Mystery of Lawlessness, 68, n. 14). He then remits to Amezúa's edition of Casamiento.
ed. Sieber, vol. II, p. 340.
M. J. Harner has recently observed that all the famous unguents are found to contain atropine, a powerful alkaloid, as well as mandragora and henbane. The broom the witches were said to mount served to apply the atropine bearing mixture to the sensitive vaginal membranes. The result of this application is said to be a «trip» in the modern sense of drug culture slang. M. J. Harner, «The Role of Hallucinogenic Plants in European Witchcraft», Hallucinogens and Shamanism (London, 1973), 124-150. Other unguents have been found to contain aconite or monkshood, cinquefoil and belladonna. This combination is said to produce cardiac arrhythmia, which in a sleeping person would give the sensation of falling or flying. Blázquez Miguel, Eros y Tánatos, 23-24.
Pedro Ciruelo, Reprobación de las supersticiones y hechicerías (1530), ed. Alva V. Ebersole (Valencia: Albatros, 1978), 37.
Valencia's observation remained unpublished until 1900, when Manuel Serrano y Sanz published them as the «Discurso de Pedro de Valencia acerca de los cuentos de las brujas y cosas tocantes a magia», Revista de Extremadura 2 (1900), 189-303; 337-347. Summarized in Gustav Henningsen, The Witches' Advocate (Reno: University of Nevada, 1980), 7. (See also the testimony of María de Lesaca reported by Idoate.)
AHN, Inquisición, legajo 1679, núm. 239. In Florencio Idoate, La brujería en Navarra y sus documentos (Pamplona: Diputación Foral de Navarra, 1978), 421.
AGN, Procesos de 1611, núm. 506, fols. 31-32. In Florencio Idoate, La brujería en Navarra y sus documentos (Pamplona: Diputación Foral de Navarra, 1978), 386-387.
It dates most probably from 1613, and it remained in manuscript until Florencio Idoate published it in 1972. Florencio Idoate, Un documento de la Inquisición sobre brujería en Navarra (Pamplona: Aranzadi, 1972). Harry Sieber calls attention to this publication, without incorporating any of its content. Novelas ejemplares (Madrid: Cátedra, 1980), vol. II, p. 340, n. 111.