The Figure of the Poet in Renaissance Epic (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967). (N. from the A.)
For example, Ruth El Saffar, Novel to Romance. A Study of Cervantes's «Novelas ejemplares» (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974). Here, as throughout this article, we give only representative bibliography for issues discussed by many important cervantistas. (N. from the A.)
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quijote de la Mancha, ed. Martín de Riquer (Barcelona: Juventud, 1958), p. 19. Future references appear in the text. (N. from the A.)
This tendency to treat the Captain's narrative like a documentary is reinforced by its resemblances to a «Memorial» addressed by Cervantes to Philip II in 1590. See Astrana Marín, IV, 455-56. (N. from the A.)
For full treatment of these autobiographical aspects of the Capitán cautivo, see Francisco Márquez Villanueva, Personajes y temas del «Quijote» (Madrid: Taurus, 1975), pp. 92-146; and J. J. Allen, «Autobiografía y ficción: el relato del Capitán cautivo», ACerv, 15 (1978), 149-55. Márquez Villanueva stresses the fictional traditions which are present in the triptych's framing stories. (N. from the A.)
Elias L. Rivers, «On the Prefatory Pages of Don Quijote, Part II», MLN, 75 (1960), 214-21. (N. from the A.)
This paper sketches the outlines of a much larger study on Cervantes' portraits of the artist, a book in progress. I have previously dealt with poets in La Galatea («The Language of Limits and the Limits of Language: The Crisis of Poetry in La Galatea», MLN, 97 [1982], 254-71) and in the Entremeses («La poesía y los poetas en los Entremeses de Cervantes», ACerv, forthcoming). (N. from the A.)
Cf. Ruth El Saffar, Distance and Control. (N. from the A.)
Alban K. Forcione, «The Cervantine Figure of the Poet: Impostor or God?» Chapter 9 of Cervantes, Aristotle and the «Persiles» (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970), especially p. 306. (N. from the A.)
One recent exception is Howard Mancing's «Cide Hamete Benengeli vs. Miguel de Cervantes: The Metafictional Dialectic of Don Quijote», Cervantes, 1 (1981), 63-81. (N. from the A.)